Friday, September 15, 2006

Chicken Birthday Pillow

Chicken Pillow
Originally uploaded by lasassone.
Whew! I actually managed to finish the Birthday pillows in time to mail them off to my "mountain people" yesterday. My eldest daughter and her husband share the same birthday - 9/17 and I really wanted them to arrive in time.

My daughter raised chickens in their former home and when I saw this redwork pattern AND the Daisy Kingdom fabric in my stash, I knew I had to make something for her. I believe the redwork design is vintage. I found it in my Farm binder of downloaded patterns.

If you click on the picture, you can see the back of the pillow which is a print that looks like chicken wire and also you can see the computer generated, Epson printed label I made for the pillow.

Below you'll see a picture of the pillow I made for Ray in the memory of our granddog, Scout, his hunting dog who passed away earlier this year. Scout was just a pup when he moved with them to the mountains 10 yrs ago and he was a great dog. A bit of a scamp, he was loved by all the family, but most fondly I think by my husband. When Scout woud get in trouble and the kids would say they should find him a new home, my dh always volunteered to take him. He loved my dh a lot as well I think. Whenever we visited, Scout with start out sitting with his nose in G's lap and before you know it, the dog would be in his lap! Twas a funny site to see. We miss Scout a lot!

I made both pillows to cover one of of the 16" x 20" travel pillow forms that you can get at Jo-Ann's fabric stores. The chicken pillow has a flange stitched around the 4 sides instead of piping. I hate doing piping and this way I can get a snug fit for the removeable cover. On Ray's pillow I just did flanges on the side because of a piecing problem, but when all was said and done, I really LIKE the look, so might do that again sometime with a pillow.

Next up? #2 grandson's Fireman/Dalmation quilt. I have already done the 8 redwork blocks and have some printed panel pictures of the dogs cut out. I'm having a huge problem finding an mixture/arrangement that is pleasing and a nice size. I'll be playing with that for the next day or so.

Stitch On!

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